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Women's Coalition for Child Care Solutions

How do we create economic
prosperity for women in Ohio?


"I haven’t been able to return to work because I cannot find suitable child care.”

– Mom from West Central Ohio

Ohio must invest to provide affordable, accessible child care options. Unaffordable, inaccessible child care in Ohio is holding back women and young children. The child care crisis is a women’s economic prosperity crisis.

Q: How can you help address
the child care crisis? 

A: We need you to be part of the solution, not just for your family, but for every family in Ohio.
Your support is crucial. By investing in child care, you are not only supporting
individual families but also contributing to a larger movement for societal change. 


We’re working to do the following:

Collaborate with women-serving organizations and initiatives from around the state to identify shared priorities.

Exchange valuable insights and experiences to address child care needs.

Be part of the policy agenda conversation with a combined voice.

Increase visibility of the child care crisis’s impact on women in Ohio.

Raise the urgency of this issue to policymakers.


Together, we can raise the volume on the call for public policy that invests in child care.


Investing in child care is an investment in women.

Hear from Ohio women

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