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Week of September 27th Round-Up

COMING SOON: Apply to Our Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship

Are you an emerging early childhood professional who is interested in strengthening your leadership skills and becoming a stronger early childhood advocate? Then you are encouraged to apply for Groundwork Ohio's Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship!

As an Early Childhood Leadership Fellow, you'll participate in a unique and engaging curriculum designed to help you develop in-depth knowledge of early childhood systems in Ohio and gain a better understanding on how to be a successful advocate for Ohio's infants, toddlers, their families, and your community.

Our Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to build up your leadership skills and network with a diverse group of early childhood professionals! You can apply starting Monday, October 4. Applications are due on Friday, November 5, 2021.


Video Series: Ohio Parents Share Why They Care About Quality in Child Care

Every parent wants what's best for their children. That's why Ohio parents care about quality child care. Across the state, parents have been sharing their stories with Groundwork Ohio on why quality child care matters to them, their children, and their community.

This week, we're featuring Chloe's story. Chloe is a single working parent in Dayton, Ohio who chose a high-quality program for her kids because she loves the way the teachers interact with the children and work on their social-emotional development. Chloe also has a child who is a Type 1 diabetic, and sending her children to a quality program gives Chloe peace of mind that her children are safe and being properly cared for.

Want to hear from more Ohio parents about why they care about quality in child care? Visit Groundwork Ohio's YouTube page to hear more stories.


Transforming Child Welfare through the Safe Babies Court Team Approach

This week, Groundwork Ohio Policy Associate Kelsey Hopkins presented at the Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO) Annual Conference on transforming the experiences of infants and toddlers in Ohio's child welfare system. Joined by our Safe Babies Court Team (SBCT) partners, the presentation focused on how the Safe Babies Court Team approach connects infants, toddlers, and their families with needed supports and services, with a goal of advancing health and well-being.

The SBCT approach transforms child welfare by using the science of early childhood development to meet the urgent needs of infants, toddlers, and families. It does this by focusing on minimizing trauma a child may face while engaged in the child welfare system by improving how courts, child welfare agencies, and other child-serving organizations work together to meet the unique needs of children and families in their local communities.


Family Child Care is Important – So is Your Story! Share Your Story Today.

Are you a family child care provider in Ohio? Then the Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC) wants to hear from you!

Ohio AEYC is excited to share their new project that is focused on family child care providers. Their goal is to hear from every family child care provider in the state to better understand where you are in your family child care career and where Ohio AEYC can better support you for continued growth and well-being.

Your story is important! There is strength in numbers and the more survey responses Ohio AEYC has, the better they will be able to advocate for support, funding, and recommended changes to rules and regulations with state decision-makers that are specific to the needs of family child care providers.

Complete Ohio AEYC's survey and be entered to win one of five $100 gift cards! Please complete the survey no later than Monday, October 4 to be entered to win one of the gift cards.

In addition to the survey, family child care providers are invited to join the newly established Family Child Care Advisory Group. This group offers you the opportunity to connect with other providers across for Ohio.

The first meeting of the advisory group will be Wednesday, October 6 from 7:00-8:30 PM Click here to register for the Family Child Care Advisory Group!


Congratulations to Groundwork Ohio President & CEO Shannon Jones!

We're pleased to share that the Dayton Business Journal has named Groundwork Ohio President and CEO Shannon Jones to the Bizwomen Power 50 list, which recognizes the Dayton region's most influential women in the business community from a variety of industries.

Congratulations, Shannon, on this incredible (and well-deserved) accomplishment! Read Shannon's profile in the Dayton Business Journal.


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