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Week of September 13th Round-Up

The Child Care Crisis: An ‘Untenable’ Situation for Ohio Families

Quality child care is essential to Ohio’s children, families, businesses, and communities. Yet policymakers have long overlooked the importance of quality child care. As the U.S. Treasury Department outlined this week, chronic underinvestment in quality child care has created an unworkable child care system that is hindering children, parents, and providers alike.

Earlier this week, Dayton Daily News published a series of articles and opinion pieces examining how the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened challenges parents have long faced in finding quality, affordable child care. The articles demonstrate how the child care crisis is affecting parents in the workforce, setting back young children’s readiness for kindergarten, and impacting Ohio businesses and the economy.

TAKE ACTION: Help us spread the word about the urgent need for policymakers to invest in quality child care in Ohio! Use our social media toolkit for posts you can share on Facebook, Twitter, and more!


Report: Medicaid Expansion Narrows Maternal Health Coverage Gaps

Healthy moms are the foundation of healthy babies. As a new report from the Georgetown Center for Children and Families shows, Medicaid expansion has helped Ohio women get health coverage before, during, and after pregnancy. But our work is far from over—we must address persistent racial disparities in health coverage and birth outcomes.

Maternal and infant mortality continues to be a public health crisis in Ohio, underscoring the urgent need for federal and state policymakers to keep working to achieve health equity in coverage and care. In order for the state to equitably respond to the maternal and infant health crisis, Ohio must focus on pregnant women and babies served by Medicaid, especially women and babies of color, who face the greatest barriers to accessing quality health care.


Quality Child Care Plays a Critical Role in Supporting Working Parents

Affordable, quality child care plays a critical role in supporting parents in the workforce – especially mothers. On Wednesday, September 29 at 2:00 PM, you're invited to join The Hunt Institute, Council for a Strong America, Ready Nation, and Ready Nation Ohio for a webinar spotlighting the importance of child care in supporting a thriving workforce.

The session, which will include remarks from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, will spotlight Ohio leaders with lessons to share with the nation. Don't miss out on this important conversation on why quality child care is key to a thriving workforce and economy – RSVP today!


Groundwork Ohio Presents on the Importance of Elevating Family Voice

This week, Groundwork Ohio President & CEO Shannon Jones joined the Center for Health Care Strategies, MolinaCares Accord, Queens Village, and Family Voices for a virtual conversation on the importance of lifting up parent voices in health care policy to advance health equity. The conversation featured our work through the Center for Family Voice, a Groundwork Ohio initiative dedicated to empowering families to be the best advocates for themselves and their young children.

Are you interested in learning more about the Center for Family Voice at Groundwork Ohio? You have a seat at our table as a partner in the work of the Center for Family Voice. We invite you to learn more about our work and share your story!


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