How the Build Back Better Act Invests in Ohio Families and Communities
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act. The Build Back Better Act includes several provisions that would directly impact Ohio’s pregnant women, young children, and their families, including major investments in child care, preschool, and maternal health coverage.
The House passage of this historic legislation brings us one step closer to building a stronger early childhood education system and improving child and maternal health coverage. As the Build Back Better Act moves to the U.S. Senate, we need parents, early childhood professionals, advocates, and community leaders like you to urge policymakers to pass the Build Back Better Act.
How would the Build Back Better Act transform the lives of young children, parents, and early childhood professionals in Ohio? Groundwork Ohio recently published a blog sharing the best and latest resources to break it down for you, as well as how you can voice your support for the Build Back Better Act.
"We Need Lawmakers to Understand What We Do."
In recent weeks, Groundwork Ohio has published a series of videos featuring Ohio parents and caregivers on why access to quality early childhood education is essential to them and their families.
This week, we're featuring Amanda's story. Amanda is a parent and preschool teacher in Dayton who says having access to a quality child care allows her to go to work. As a preschool teacher, Amanda also shared how early childhood educators like her support the healthy development of Ohio's youngest children.
It's time for Ohio policymakers to recognize and prioritize the fundamental role early childhood educators play in our state's economy and future. As Amanda said, "We need lawmakers to understand what we do and to come watch what we do."
Help Raise Awareness of Affordable Health Insurance Options

Studies show that when parents have health insurance, their children are more likely to be insured. Moreover, improving parents' access to health care is important to children because children’s health and development depends in part on their parents’ health and well-being.
In 2019, about 758,000 Ohioans, including almost 37,000 children under 6 years old, did not have health insurance coverage. Unfortunately, finding health insurance that is affordable and meets a family’s needs can be challenging, particularly for people without coverage through an employer.
This week, Groundwork Ohio published a guest blog from the Ohio Association of Foodbanks on simple ways you can engage in Get Covered Ohio, a public awareness campaign to educate Ohioans about affordable health insurance options through the Marketplace and Medicaid and connect them with local Navigators. Click here to learn more about how you take part in the Get Covered Ohio campaign!
Coordinating Prenatal-to-Three Policies at State, County, and City Levels
State and local governments across the country are developing public policy focused on early childhood. Collaborative action across levels of government can help ensure funding is leveraged to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of programs and services offered to families with young children.
On Tuesday, December 7 at 1:00 PM ET, you're invited to join a webinar hosted by the National Conference of State Legislatures to learn how state legislators and county officials are working together to improve outcomes for young children and their families. The webinar will feature the first-hand experiences of several Ohio officials, including Groundwork Ohio's Shannon Jones.

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