Groundwork Ohio Launches Family Action Network at the Statehouse
Last week at the Ohio Statehouse, Groundwork Ohio officially launched its Family Action Network, a powerful and diverse statewide coalition of Ohio families with infants, toddlers, and young children who will engage with policymakers on the issues that matter most to them and their families.
At the Family Action Network launch event, roughly 700 Ohioans – including parents, grandparents, foster parents, kinship caregivers, their young children, community partners, and policymakers – gathered to share their stories with state legislators and celebrate the power of family voices.
Parents and caregivers are powerful agents of change. Groundwork Ohio is honored to invest in the leadership of Ohio families through our powerful statewide Family Action Network. We look forward to continuing to partner with families to elevate their voices and empower them to engage in advocacy and policymaking – whether in their own communities or at the Statehouse. Check out all of our videos on our YouTube channel!
ICYMI: Watch our Webinar on Maternal Mortality and Maternal Mental Health
This week, Groundwork Ohio's Center for Maternal and Young Child Health convened an excellent lineup of speakers to discuss maternal mental health and the relationship between maternal mental health and maternal mortality. During the webinar, speakers and panelists discussed the unique ways they are supporting the mental health of pregnant Ohioans and mothers in their communities and advancing equity.
Maternal mortality and morbidity is a major public health crisis in Ohio. However, discussions about the contributing factors to maternal mortality and morbidity often don't include maternal mental health. National and statewide data demonstrate that maternal mental health must be recognized as a part of the comprehensive picture of maternal health and well-being.
Missed our webinar? Watch the recorded webinar to catch up on the discussion!
Get to Know Groundwork: Cherrelle Turner, Director of the Center for Family Voice
In our latest installment of our "Get to Know Groundwork" series, we are introducing you to Cherrelle Turner, Director of the Center for Family Voice. Cherrelle joined Groundwork Ohio in May and we're thrilled to welcome her to the team. As Director of the Center for Family Voice, Cherrelle will drive the Center’s work to elevate the voices of families with young children in early childhood policy and advocacy to achieve programmatic, policy, and practice changes at local, regional, and state levels
Read our Q&A with Cherrelle to learn more about why she's a passionate early childhood advocate and what her vision of the future is for Ohio's youngest children and their families!
Apply to Join the Groundwork Ohio Team!
Groundwork Ohio is hiring for THREE exciting roles within our growing organization. The deadline to apply to the listed positions is Friday, June 10. Apply today to join an amazing and dynamic team!
ICYMI: New Resource on National Baby Formula Shortage
No parent or caregiver should worry about being able to feed their infant. Yet due to a national shortage of baby formula, parents and caregivers across the country are increasingly anxious about whether they can meet their child's nutritional needs.
Last week, Groundwork Ohio partnered with the Center for Community Solutions and the Children's Defense Fund-Ohio to release a fact sheet on the national baby formula shortage. The fact sheet provides families and community organizations with timely information and important resources in response to the growing crisis. The fact sheet is now available in Spanish.
Farewell and Best Wishes to a Member of the Groundwork Ohio Team!
This week, we're bidding farewell to Kelsey E. Hopkins, Groundwork Ohio's Prenatal-to-Three Manager. While we are sad to see Kelsey go, we congratulate her on her new role at The Ohio State University College of Social Work.
If you'd like to stay connected with Kelsey, you can contact her on LinkedIn. If you have a Groundwork Ohio request and aren't sure whom to contact, you can email our team at

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