For Crying Out Loud, Congress: Think Babies and Act!
This week, Groundwork Ohio joined early childhood organizations and advocates across the country for a virtual week of action urging Congress to ensure babies have the building blocks they need to reach their full potential. The week of action – “For Crying Out Loud” – highlights the urgent need for investments in infants, toddlers, and their families.
Our country is at its best when we recognize that children are our greatest resource and that the earliest years of life are the most critical for development. When all babies have what they need – no matter where they live, their family’s income, or the color of their skin – it creates a stronger society for all of us. That's why we're urging Congress to invest in programs that build a strong foundation for today's children and our country's future.
Although the week of action wraps up today, there's still time to make your voice heard! Click here to contact Congress today.
Calling Ohio Dads with Infants: Join the Father's Feelings Study
Are you or do you know a dad with a baby under 1 year old? Ohio Guidestone's Institute of Family and Community Impact is inviting Ohio fathers with children 12 months old or younger to participate in the Father's Feelings study.
This study gives dads an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about their baby and their lives as parents. Through a few short questionnaires and virtual visits, you can help future dads prepare for the joys and challenges of fatherhood. Participating fathers can earn a $25 gift card for completing the study and receive father-specific consultation, insights, and resources from highly trained study staff. Participation includes five (5) study visits, and each visit takes no more than 90 minutes. To participate in the Father's Feelings study, you must:
Be a male father 18 years of age or older
Have a child 12 months or younger
Live in Ohio
Complete five study visits to receive a gift card
Want to learn more or sign up to participate in the study? Click here.
Grant Opportunity: Children's Healthy Learning Environments
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Children's Health Protection is accepting grant applications to provide funding to support school- and/or child care center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues that affect children.
Projects must take place in schools and/or child care centers that are located in minority and/or low-income communities and/or primarily serve student populations that are minority and/or low-income (e.g., Head Start and Early Head Start programs, Title I schools, tribal schools).
Applications are due by September 10, 2021 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET). Click here to learn more.
New Survey Sheds Light on the State of Child Care in the U.S.
A new survey conducted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) shows that, despite emergency federal and state relief funds designed to stabilize child care programs and prevent widespread permanent program closures, child care providers and parents alike still face big challenges.
The survey findings speak clearly to the important role that relief funding has played in supporting program stability, as well as the urgent need for lawmakers to make the necessary investments in quality child care and early learning.

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