Blog: Quality Birth-To-Five Investment is Powerful Prevention Policy
This week, Groundwork Ohio President and CEO Shannon Jones wrote a blog for the Ohio Association of Health Plans (OAHP) on why investments in infants and toddlers is powerful prevention policy, helping to reduce the need for costly health, behavioral, and educational interventions down the road.
As Shannon writes, getting everything right the first time around is a lot easier and less expensive than trying to fix it later. By investing when it matters most – during the earliest and most formative years of a young child’s life – we can create healthier kids who, ultimately, become healthier adults.
"As a Pediatrician, I Know the Value of Quality Child Care"
There are few investments more important to a child’s early development and long-term health, behavioral, and educational outcomes than quality early education and child care. In a new blog published by Ready, Set, Soar Ohio, Dr. Judy Romano – past president of the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics – explains why she, as a pediatrician, is dedicated to promoting quality child care and early learning for Ohio's infants and toddlers.
As Dr. Romano writes, quality makes a difference in out-of-home care settings, including child care. While this is true for all young children, it is especially true for Ohio's most at-risk children. Quality early childhood education not only keeps young children safe and healthy, but it also keeps kids on their developmental trajectory to be ready for kindergarten.
Register for Ohio AAP's Annual Meeting!
Registration is now open for the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics' 2021 Annual Meeting on October 29-30, 2021 at the Hilton Polaris in Columbus!
After another challenging year, the Ohio AAP is hosting an in-person conference full of important education, CME/MOC II credit opportunities, and resources! This is a great opportunity to learn about important topics affecting child health and to network with your peers.
The safety of conference attendees, presenters, and staff are a top priority. The Ohio AAP will be monitoring and following all CDC and Ohio COVID-19 health and safety protocols throughout the event.
Meaningful Makeover Series: Family Child Care Learning Environment

Join Cultivate Learning at the University of Washington on Wednesday, August 11 at 3:00 PM for a special episode of Meaningful Makeover: Family Child Care Edition. Watch the Makeover Crew work with family child care providers to provide safe learning environments for mixed-aged groups.
Learn to create a culturally and linguistically responsive and supportive learning environment and promote children’s positive social and emotional development. Check out their DIY segment for simple, budget-friendly ideas to help you makeover your own family child care program.
This webinar will have English and Spanish captioning.

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