The Role of Doulas in Improving Maternal Health and Birth Outcomes
Healthy moms are the foundation of healthy babies. That's why this week, we're spotlighting an op-ed by Ohio Women’s Public Policy Network fellow Morgan Foster on a bill in the Ohio Statehouse that would help more Ohioans access doula services before, during, and after pregnancy.
In communities throughout Ohio, doulas programs have been successful in improving maternal and infant health outcomes. However, many of these programs and services are often cost-prohibitive and not accessible to those who may benefit the most from additional support.
House Bill 142 would help bridge this gap by allowing Medicaid to provide reimbursement for doula services. This is important to supporting Ohio’s ongoing fight to improve maternal and infant health and advance birth equity.
Earlier this year, Groundwork Ohio testified in support of House Bill 142. We believe that through passage of this bill, we will strengthen Ohio's response to the needs of women and mothers across the state.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month!
Routine childhood vaccinations are a safe and effective way to ensure children remain healthy and protected against serious diseases. During the pandemic, however, many children have gotten behind on their routine immunizations and well-child checkups.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Because so many children have fallen behind on routine immunizations and well-child checkups, we are sharing resources to help you raise awareness of the importance of routine childhood vaccines and checkups.
Check out the toolkits below for easy-to-share resources to encourage parents to make sure children are up to date on routinely recommended vaccines!
Deadline Extended: Ohio Lead Safe Home Fund RFP
With funding allocated in the new state budget for the Lead Safe Home Fund, the Ohio Department of Health seeks partners in high-risk communities to advance childhood lead poisoning prevention efforts at the local level. The objective of this project is to reduce lead exposure to children in high-risk communities through primary prevention activities conducted at the local level.
Interested in applying? The deadline to submit your proposal has been extended! Proposals are now due August 26, 2021 by 3:00 PM. Please also consider sharing this opportunity with your networks!
Have Questions? Review the Ohio Department of Health's Bidders Conference Q & A.

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