Don't forget to register for Groundwork Ohio's Laying the Groundwork Summit: in the Ohio Senate on Friday, April 23 from 10:00-11:30 AM. This virtual event is an opportunity to hear the latest on Ohio's biennial budget as it relates to quality early childhood experiences for Ohio kids, families, and communities, as well as how you can engage in the budget process. We are thrilled to welcome our exceptional keynote speaker Rhian Evans Allvin, CEO for National Association for the Education of Young Children, along with our legislative panel:
Senator Matt Dolan, Chair of Finance Committee
Senator Jay Hottinger, President Pro Tempore
Senator Vernon Sykes, Finance Committee Ranking Minority Member
Senator Kenny Yuko, Minority Leader
This event offers 1.5 hours of Ohio Approved Credit for participants who provide their OPIN number during registration and stay for the entire event.

During last month's 5-day virtual advocacy challenge, early childhood advocates like you sent hundreds of messages to state legislators asking that Ohio infants, toddlers, and their families be a priority in the state budget. With the Ohio Senate now gearing up to work on the budget, we need your help to continue elevating the needs of Ohio's youngest and most at-risk children.
Sign up today to participate in our next virtual advocacy week challenge from April 26–April 30. We'll provide all the tips and tools you need to elevate your voice at the Statehouse.
We heard your feedback on our March advocacy challenge, and we are excited to make this month's challenge even better!
Join Us for a Discussion on Child Care and the State Budget
Today, Friday, April 9 at 1:00 PM, members of the Groundwork Ohio team will be participating in a Facebook Live conversation on why state policymakers must expand access to high-quality child care in the state budget. The event is being hosted by the Ohio Children's Budget Coalition and will also feature Policy Matters Ohio.
We're looking forward to a great discussion and hope you'll join us!
Meet with Members of the Southwest Ohio Legislative Delegation
Do you live or work in southwest Ohio? You are invited to meet with members of the southwest Ohio legislative delegation on Monday, April 12 at 11:00 AM.
This virtual convening of legislators, constituents, and community leaders will discuss the importance of investing in infants, children, and their families in the Ohio budget and what has been proposed to date.
Your state legislators need to hear from you. We hope you'll join us for this important and timely discussion!
RSVP: Black Maternal Health Week Webinar

Next week is Black Maternal Health Week! On Friday, April 16 at 1:30 PM, join Advocates for Ohio's Future, the Center for Community Solutions, the Children’s Defense Fund-Ohio, Groundwork Ohio, and Restoring Our Own Through Transformation (ROOTT) for a webinar highlighting Black Maternal Health Week.
In addition to providing an update on the state biennial budget, the webinar will review the status of Black maternal health policy nationwide and how Ohio measures up compared to other states.

Want to increase your impact? Share this message with family, friends, and colleagues now!