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Groundwork Executive Director Shannon Jones Appointed to Ohio Commission on Infant Mortality

Columbus, Ohio: Today, Groundwork Ohio announced the appointment of Executive Director Shannon Jones to the Ohio Commission on Infant Mortality by Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina). The Commission was created in 2014 with the goal of improving Ohio’s infant mortality rate and ensuring more babies reach their first birthday.

“I am grateful for the senate’s confidence in my experience in this space and my commitment to reducing infant mortality in our state,” said Jones. “Throughout my career, this issue has been incredibly important to me and I am appreciative of this opportunity to continue dedicating my time and energy toward addressing it. I look forward to working with co-chairs Senator Stephanie Kunze and Representative Sara Carruthers and other members of the Commission to advance strategies that support the healthy birth, growth, and development of Ohio’s infants.”

During her time serving in the General Assembly, Shannon’s most significant legislative effort led to a statewide bipartisan mandate to improve Ohio’s abysmal infant mortality epidemic. This work catapulted the crisis into the public consciousness and, along with several statewide policy changes and awareness efforts, established the Commission on Infant Mortality. Shannon served as co-chairwoman on the first Commission, which culminated in a comprehensive law implementing the Commission’s substantive recommendations around evidence-based practices and the social determinants of health.

Groundwork Ohio is a committed, nonpartisan public-policy research and advocacy organization formed in 2004 that advances quality early learning and healthy development as the most transformative strategy to increase the life-long success of Ohio’s children and lay a strong foundation for economic prosperity in Ohio.

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