By: Kezia Ofosu Atta, Policy Manager, Groundwork Ohio
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Between 2018-2021, 5.8 percent of moms in Ohio received late or no prenatal care. Only three-quarters of pregnant women in Ohio received prenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy in 2020. Pregnant women of color in Ohio were much more likely to experience delays in care.
To discuss Ohio’s disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes, our upcoming Roadshow Listening Tour event in Cincinnati on Thursday, June 27, will have a panel dedicated solely to maternal and infant health. We will hear from:
Jennifer Frey, President, Every Child Succeeds, Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Charla Hale, President and CEO, Healthy Moms and Babes
Stephanie Weber, Associate Director/Training Director, Cincinnati Children's, Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Tiffany White, Health Programs Manager, Healthy Communities Program, Cincinnati Health Department
Here are some additional facts that will drive the conversation:
Ohio's Black maternal mortality rate is 29.5 per 100,000, over two and half times higher than the rate for white, non-Hispanic women (11.5 per 100,000).
In 2021, Ohio’s infant mortality rate was 7.1 deaths per 1,000 births and the rate of sudden infant death syndrome was 50.1 per 100,000 live births, which comprised 7.1% of all infant deaths in the state that year.
Compared to other high-income countries, the United States continues to have the highest maternal death rate, with the rate for Black women by far the highest of any group.
We look forward to seeing parents, caregivers, advocates, and regional maternal and infant health experts next Thursday in Cincinnati. Register to reserve your spot at the event today.