Day 3: Storming Twitter to Show Your Support for Young Children
Early childhood professionals across the country have taken to social media to elevate the importance of investing in quality early learning and healthy development. Social media provides a unique public platform where you can share resources, offer valuable insights based on your personal experiences, and connect directly with state policymakers. Social media is a quick and easy way to elevate awareness about early childhood issues (i.e. child care, home visiting, health care, etc.) and engage with policymakers at the Statehouse.
For day 3 of our advocacy challenge, we are asking you to tweet your state elected officials and share why early childhood education and health are important to you and why they need to be a priority in the state budget. Twitter is the go-to social media platform for many legislators and we hope you will take the time to create or reimagine how you currently utilized your Twitter account to interact with your elected officials.
Take a moment to tweet your state elected officials. Make sure to tag your elected officials in your tweet and use the hashtag #LayingTheGroundwork. If you need help thinking of what to say, we can help. Or you can click here to send a prepared tweet.

If you do not have a Twitter account, you can create a free account at Twitter.com. Once you sign up, follow your elected officials (click here to find your elected officials). Tweet @ your elected officials with your message and advocacy ask.
Watch this video on the importance of the first 1,000 days of a child’s life.
We appreciate your time and commitment to advocating for young children. Each day, 5 participating individuals will be randomly chosen to receive a $25 electronic gift card via email. At the end of the week, we will randomly choose one individual to receive a mini library package with 10 children's books featured in our Book Recommendations for Young Learners resource. (Note: State policymakers, legislative staff, executive agency staff, and state employees will not be included in the random drawing and are not eligible to receive a reward.)
Share the virtual advocacy challenge with your network by forwarding the challenge week sign-up link here. Want to view previous days of our advocacy challenge? Click here to view days you may have missed.
Want to engage further? Post about the challenge week on social media and use the hashtag #LayingTheGroundwork and tag @GroundworkOhio for a chance to be retweeted.
Need Help? Contact Julia Jackels at jjackels@groundworkohio.org.