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A Message from Lynanne Gutierrez

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As Groundwork Ohio enters a new chapter, I am honored and excited to serve as the new CEO. Our purpose has been clear for nearly 20 years: to ensure every child in Ohio has the opportunity to be healthy and ready to learn. This mission continues to drive us forward, and we remain committed until Ohio becomes the best place for young children to thrive.

I first want to extend my deepest gratitude to Shannon Jones for her relentless dedication and leadership of Groundwork and for her unwavering mentorship and support of my leadership over the past nearly eight years. Shannon’s efforts have laid a strong foundation, and I am inspired to build upon her legacy. As I step into this role, I am excited to focus on building future leaders and continuing to strengthen our team. It is with great pleasure that we elevate Brittany Boulton as our new Vice President. There is no better and more committed partner I could imagine to usher in this new period of growth and opportunity. I also celebrate recent promotions within our organization including Troy Hunter to Senior Policy Director and Caitlin Feldman to Policy Director. These individuals bring a wealth of experience and passion to our mission, and I am confident they will play a key role in our continued success.

Today, despite the efforts of many committed champions, Ohio is not yet the best place to be a young child. Our children face significant challenges such as a lack of prenatal and infant care, increased trauma, and inaccessible, unaffordable child care. While these challenges are daunting, I am encouraged by recent policy proposals from state officials aimed at addressing these issues. Together, we can advocate for these vital investments and create meaningful change.

Over the past few months, Groundwork Ohio has traveled across the state to listen to parents, professionals, and community leaders. These expert voices have shared invaluable insights into what young children and families need. We are committed to amplifying their voices and ensuring policymakers hear their concerns and ideas. Please stay tuned for updates from our Roadshow Listening Tour, the upcoming Momentum Institute, our esteemed advocacy training workshop, and the release of our 2025 policy agenda as we prepare for the next state biennial budget yet this year.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to Ohio's children. As a lifelong advocate and mother of young children myself, I am deeply passionate about our mission and the work we do at Groundwork Ohio. I would love to hear from you as I settle into this new role. What do you value most about Groundwork Ohio? What is your biggest hope for early childhood policy? How can we support you in being a powerful advocate for little kids? Together, let's make this early childhood movement bigger, stronger, and louder. Ohio's children are counting on us.

With gratitude and anticipation,

Lynanne Gutierrez

President & CEO, Groundwork Ohio

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