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“The data is clear—child care is an economic issue,” said Shannon Jones, President & CEO of Groundwork Ohio. “As parents across our state struggle to access and afford child care, not only does it impact families and kids, but it also worsens Ohio’s workforce challenges and businesses are paying the price. The upcoming state budget represents an urgent opportunity to make strategic, meaningful investments in child care and address this challenge for parents, businesses, and the economy.”

Data Highlight 1: 
More than two-thirds of non-working or part-time working Ohio moms say they would go back to work if their child had access to high quality and affordable child care.

Data Highlight 2: 
Nearly four-in-10 working parents (38%) say they have had to miss work, leave early, or lose focus because of challenges with child care.

Data Highlight 3: 
4-in-10 working parents (40%) have cut back on their work hours to care for their children.

Data Highlight 4: 
Almost one-third of working parents (32%) say they have lost more than five days of work in the past two years because of a lack of child care.

Data Highlight 5: 
80% of Ohioans, including 69% of Republicans, believe funding should be increased for child care.

Data Webinar


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