Coalitions & Councils
The early childhood movement touches many different audiences and communities. As we consider how we are Laying the Groundwork for Impact, all of our strategies rely on engaging with a broad range of audiences that can drive systemic change—from policymakers to parents. We seek to connect people and organizations around the state to build unique coalitions of diverse stakeholders who share early childhood policy as a priority.
Young children cannot tell policymakers what they need to be healthy and ready to learn by five. Adults have to step up for them. Groundwork Ohio is committed to making Ohio the best place to be a young child—and we need your help.
Our Coalitions and Advisory Councils are a way to stay connected to the issues and to contribute to the policy conversation. Will you join us?
Coalitions & Councils
Collaborate with organizations and individuals from around Ohio.
Amplify information to help prioritize Ohio's young children and families.
Exchange valuable insights and experiences to inform policy.
Increase visibility of urgent issues and respond to policy news updates.
How Can You Engage in Our Conversations?

Business Coalition
for Child Care Solutions
Women’s Coalition
for Child Care Solutions
Policymakers for Young
Children and Families

Coming Soon
Early Learning & Child Care
Healthcare Access & Quality
Early Childhood Trauma Prevention
Legislative Outreach