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Business Coalition for Child Care Solutions

to find solutions for the child care crisis

Child Care is a Workforce Issue.
Together we can ensure a strong workforce of today and tomorrow. 

We advocate for policies that work for both businesses and families. We contribute to public testimony, op-eds, and other educational opportunities to ensure young children receive the critical early care and education necessary for school, career, and lifelong success, while empowering parents to excel in their professional endeavors and provide for their families.


Quality early care and education is an evidence-based workforce strategy that meets the needs of today’s workforce while preparing the workforce of tomorrow.

Q: How can you help address
the child care crisis? 

A: Businesses must be part of the solution. Investing in child care is a proven workforce strategy. 
A robust, high-quality, affordable child care system benefits the entire state. 
We need the voices of those in the workforce to inform actions to address the challenges and gaps. Join the Business Coalition for Child Care Solutions.


Working Together
Female Pharmacist
Women in Workshop


Join as a Business Professional...

Are you a professional who sees how the child care crisis is impacting employees? Are you a leader concerned about workforce stability for your business? Are you a working parent who has struggled with a viable child care solution? We need your voice!

  • Be invited to participate in events and discussions.

  • Be asked to share your experiences and perspectives.

  • Be informed with the latest data and information.

  • Be a key part of the movement to advance policies that work for both businesses and families.

Join as a Partner Business...

Are you a business owner or corporate executive facing a workforce issue? Is your company exploring ways to address the child care needs of employees? Are you interested adding your company to a list of leading organizations in Ohio seeking solutions?

  • Collaborate with Ohio businesses and organizations.

  • Exchange valuable insights and experiences to address employee child care needs.

  • Be part of the policy agenda conversation.

  • Represent the urgency of this issue to policymakers.


The lack of quality, affordable child care is contributing to Ohio’s workforce shortage.



Hear from Ohio business leaders

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