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Jun 2, 2021
Senate Budget Deals Devastating Blow to Ohio’s Child Care System, Undercuts Early Learning Workforce
"The Senate’s decision to eliminate Step Up to Quality will create a two-tiered child care system of haves and have-nots..."

Jun 1, 2021
Child Care Advocates Say Senate's Proposed Budget Would Hurt Kids (Statehouse News Bureau)
Early childhood advocates say eliminating the Ohio's Step Up to Quality system will hurt children.

Jun 1, 2021
Expanding Access to Quality Child Care in Ohio Generates a Whopping 10% Return on Public Investment
A new study finds public investment in quality child care generates major benefits for Ohio taxpayers.

May 28, 2021
Week of May 16th Round-Up
Read the latest news, updates, and opportunities from Groundwork Ohio.

May 27, 2021
Mary McCarthy: Child Care is a Necessity, Not a Privilege
"Women also cannot get to work without adequate and affordable child care..."

May 25, 2021
Wendy Pestrue: Child Care is Essential to Northwest Ohio Families
"It is up to us to determine whether our kids are worth it. United Way of Greater Toledo and its members strongly believe they are..."

May 25, 2021
Ohio Businesses Speak Up for Expanding Access to Quality Child Care
"Ohio’s youngest learners, families, businesses, and communities cannot wait any longer. If not now, then when?..."

May 24, 2021
Carla Adams: Limited Eligibility is Adding to the ECE Staffing Crisis
"The system of support for child care subsidies is flawed and adding to the early childhood crisis..."

May 24, 2021
Kimberly Tice: Early Childhood Educators Need Access to Child Care
Hard work should also be rewarded, but some policies are insufficient & inadvertently keep hard-working parents from climbing the economic..

May 21, 2021
Elizabeth Brown: Child Care Is Key to Supporting Women in the Workforce
"For many working mothers, the option to return to work is impossible without access to care for their children..."

May 21, 2021
Why Quality Matters in Child Care
Research shows that children who participate in high-quality early childhood programs are better prepared for kindergarten...

May 21, 2021
Malissa: The Child Care Crisis is Holding Back Families
"I would work to pay for child care, but what is the purpose of working if I do not have any money left to pay for other..."

May 21, 2021
Robyn Lightcap: Investing in Child Care is an Investment in Ohio's Future
"To recover from this pandemic, we must invest in families. They want to work. They want to help bring back our economy..."

May 21, 2021
Ashley Koontz: Access to Quality Child Care Can Break Cycles of Poverty
"Why not give young children a fighting chance to break the cycle? To reach their full potential?..."

May 21, 2021
Dawn Blalock: Child Care Sets Young Children Up for Future Success
"Expanding child care eligibility to 150% of the Federal Poverty Level benefits all Ohioans by preparing more children for success,.."

May 21, 2021
May 16th Round-Up
Read the latest early childhood news, updates, and opportunities from Groundwork Ohio.

May 20, 2021
David Melin: The Time to Invest in Quality Child Care Is Now
"Today’s preschoolers are our future workforce, and they are facing unprecedented academic challenges..."

May 20, 2021
Chris Burns: A Strong Workforce Relies on Quality Child Care
"We know that access to quality child care supports today’s workforce by helping parents with young children go back to work..."

May 20, 2021
Liz Hibbs: Quality Child Care and Education Is Critical Infrastructure
"Early childhood education and care is the cornerstone of our society and all of its functions. Businesses depend on employees..."

May 20, 2021
Scarlett Hilton: In-Home Child Care Providers Need Policymakers to Act
"Affordable child care is not just a family issue, it is a community issue..."
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